How to Homeschool, Beginning to Homeschool |
If you’ve had a break from homeschooling, getting back into it can be exciting. Or daunting. And if you’re new, starting homeschooling can be daunting. Or exciting! We don’t just launch into full-time, intensive...
Thoughtful Homeschooling |
You know those times when life is just a total mess and everything falls apart? We had one of those recently. It involved weeks of caring for a close family member in the final stage of cancer and the inevitable result, bookended by 5000kms of...
Planning and Organising |
Does anybody else out there get bogged down by the everyday tasks of raising a family? Educating our kids and ourselves is important, noble even. But the day-to-day tasks of running a family are a grind that can wear us down. Honestly, it’s easy to feel...
Homeschooling Resources |
Science experiments have provided some of the most memorable times we’ve had while homeschooling! Kids can’t resist the mysterious interactions of everyday substances that produce foaming, colour changing, and other interesting changes. Neither can...
Planning and Organising |
One of the hardest things to do as a homeschooler is to create a realistic homeschool schedule. How do you make sure all the important things get done, while still leaving the time and space needed for creativity? How do you keep motivated while also keeping flexible?...
Homeschooling Day in the Life |
Today, Rex has his yearly hearing test. He’s moderately deaf and has been wearing hearing aids since he was two. A paediatric audiologist is only available in our regional centre, so we decide to make a day of it, as family, and a do a few things we can’t...