Homeschooling Day in the Life, Travel + Homeschooling |
So what does worldschooling, or homeschooling while travelling around the world, actually look like? On this day in 2019 we’d been travelling Europe for around 7 months, so we had a fairly comfortable routine. We first arrived in Berlin, and a few weeks later...
Homeschooling Day in the Life |
Today, Rex has his yearly hearing test. He’s moderately deaf and has been wearing hearing aids since he was two. A paediatric audiologist is only available in our regional centre, so we decide to make a day of it, as family, and a do a few things we can’t...
Homeschooling Day in the Life |
Kirstee Lee Raki is a mum to two who lives in Queensland, Australia. She presented a brilliant workshop about Waldorf homeschooling as part of the Australian Homeschooling Summit, which you can access here. Today I will share a typical home day with you with Nikolai,...
Homeschooling Day in the Life |
Nicola has always home educated her five children, aged 13, 10, 8, 5 & 2. They live in Yorkshire, UK. You can read more about their life on her blog, The World is their Classroom, and on Instagram. This is a typical Monday – Thursday for us. On Fridays we...
Homeschooling Day in the Life |
Sara is an Aussie mum to two kids. She blogs at Savage Learning, and you can also find her on Facebook. This post details some of the many interesting things they do on typical days, plus their experiences with outside activities. Each January I take...
Homeschooling Day in the Life |
It’s nearly Christmas, so how about a present for everyone? People have been incredibly generous in recording their homeschooling days for me, and allowing me to publish them. I’ve collected all of the 2016 submissions and put them together into an ebook....