The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Styles

In this series, we take a tour through the most popular methods of homechooling. Each method is covered comprehensively and in-depth. Links to further resources and curriculum examples are provided to enable you to delve deeply into the methods that attract you, and create a clear educational philosophy for your family.
The Continuum of Homeschooling Styles

This post is part of the Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Styles series – view the entire series here So many homeschooling styles – how do you decide which one to use? How do you even COMPARE them when they’re all so different?! One way is to look at how structured each […]
Eclectic Homeschooling | The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Styles

Welcome to the ninth, and final, post in the Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Styles series! Click here to view the rest of the series. Eclectic homeschooling is the style that isn’t a style! Basically, it’s a catch-all style for people that develop their own way of homeschooling that doesn’t really fit into […]
Project-Based Homeschooling | The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Styles

Welcome to the eighth post in the Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Styles series! Click here to view the rest of the series. Project-based homeschooling is based on the Reggio Emilia educational philosophy. The philosophy developed in the city of Reggio Emilia in Italy after World War 2, with the work of Loris […]
Steiner / Waldorf Homeschooling | The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Styles

The Steiner/Waldorf approach to education uses art, craft, literature and hands-on learning to provide a holistic education. Find out how to begin using a Waldorf approach in your homeschool here.
Montessori | The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Styles

Welcome to the seventh post in the Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Styles series! Click here to view the rest of the series. The Montessori method of education was created by Maria Montessori (1870-1952). Originally a physician, Montessori started working with young children with special needs. After experimenting with methods to help them […]
Unit Studies | The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Styles

Welcome to the fifth post in the Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Styles series! Click here to view the rest of the series. Heard about unit studies but not sure what they are? Unit studies involve choosing a theme, then organising work covering subject areas around that theme. A theme could be a […]
Charlotte Mason | The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Styles

The Charlotte Mason method of homeschooling aims to provide a wide-ranging education based on living resources. Find out more here!
Classical Education | The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Styles Series

The classical education method aims to teach children how to think, rather than what to think. Read about the history, structure and the pros and cons of providing a classical education to decide if this method will suit you and your family.
Unschooling | The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Styles

Choosing a homeschooling style? Unschooling is a popular method of homeschooling. It seeks to nurture and develop children’s natural love of learning by giving them autonomy of their own education. Find out more here!