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I have some other good stuff you may like below – enjoy!


Homeschool Day in the Life Collection 2016 – a free ebook

  It's nearly Christmas, so how about a present for everyone? People have been incredibly generous in recording their homeschooling days for me, and allowing me to publish them. I’ve collected all of the 2016 submissions and put them together into an ebook. And...

Homeschooling – Are you doing it right?

It’s the question that haunts many homeschooling parents – how do I know that I’m doing it right? I’m responsible for the education of my children and there’s no-one and nothing to tell me WHAT to do and WHEN to do it and HOW to do it and argh! It's enough to cause a...

A Worldschooling Day in the Life in Athens

So what does worldschooling, or homeschooling while travelling around the world, actually look like? On this day in 2019 we'd been travelling Europe for around 7 months, so we had a fairly comfortable routine. We first arrived in Berlin, and a few weeks later went to...

11 Inspiring Homeschooling Quotes from John Holt

John Holt taught in schools for six years, and was an advocate for school reform. When it became apparent that reform would not happen he turned his efforts to promoting home education. He wrote prolifically, including ten books, many articles, and America’s first home education newsletter. Even though much of his work was published in the 1970s-1980s it remains relevant today, and his books are still a source of inspiration for many homeschooling parents. See some of his inspiring quotes here.

Unit Studies | The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Styles

  Welcome to the fifth post in the Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Styles series! Click here to view the rest of the series.     Heard about unit studies but not sure what they are? Unit studies involve choosing a theme, then organising work covering...

Special Needs and Homeschooling

Homeschooling your child with special needs enables you to tailor their education to their specific needs, and means they’ll be accepted exactly as they are. It’s worked for us.

A homeschooling day in the life with a catnapping baby

Bekah is an Australian mum of three children aged 8, 6, and 5 months, whom she eclectically homeschools. Here she shares how homeschooling gets done as well as possible around a grouchy baby.

Homeschooled Kids are Weird

  Imagine that you feel completely comfortable in yourself. You’ve never been teased. Your interests are all embraced and supported, never labelled dorky or uncool. You can wear whatever clothes you like, even your self-made recreation of a 19th-century bustle...

How to Start Your Homeschooling Schedule Sustainably

    If you've had a break from homeschooling, getting back into it can be exciting. Or daunting.   And if you're new, starting homeschooling can be daunting. Or exciting!   We don't just launch into full-time, intensive homeschooling after a break....

BOATschooling?! An Unschooling Day in the Life

Lyndy lives on a boat (yes, that’s right, on water!) with her husband and two unschooled daughters. Take a peek into a day in their life!