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No problem, I won’t send you any specific MoneyTime emails again (although it may be mentioned in the mash-up and other places).

I have some other good stuff you may like below – enjoy!


Travelling and Homeschooling in Australia – The 2024 Ultimate Guide

So you want to travel Australia, to go bush and outback, to take your family to all the wonderful places that our country has to offer. You’ve made decisions regarding your route, must-see landmarks, and finances, and can debate the merits of camper trailers vs....

How to Start Your Homeschooling Schedule Sustainably

    If you've had a break from homeschooling, getting back into it can be exciting. Or daunting.   And if you're new, starting homeschooling can be daunting. Or exciting!   We don't just launch into full-time, intensive homeschooling after a break....

Suddenly Homeschooling – a quick-start guide

And here you are - suddenly and unexpectedly homeschooling due to quarantine or self-isolation. Or you're already homeschooling, but suddenly facing a whole lot more time at home than usual......because many homeschoolers are out and about most days. So I did a...

Homeschooling Spelling: Our low-stress, child-led approach (including resources)

Homeschooling spelling is a bit like learning times tables – it involves a lot of rote learning, is incredibly boring, the real-life reasons for mastering it aren’t immediately apparent, and it is shoved on children at a too-young age. Or maybe that’s just my opinion....

Easy and Fun Science Experiments for Kids

Science experiments have provided some of the most memorable times we've had while homeschooling! Kids can't resist the mysterious interactions of everyday substances that produce foaming, colour changing, and other interesting changes.   Neither can adults (yes,...

Always Learning – a homeschooling day in the life

Nicola has always home educated her five children, aged 13, 10, 8, 5 & 2. They live in Yorkshire, UK. You can read more about their life on her blog, The World is their Classroom, and on Instagram. This is a typical Monday - Thursday for us. On Fridays we are...

An Interest-Led Homeschooling Day in the Life

This homeschooling day-in-the-life was kindly shared by Cat, an early childhood teacher who is now unexpectedly homeschooling her five year old son JJ, along with her 2 year old daughter Chloe. Read about her interest-led, Reggio Emilia flavoured homeschooling day here.

Distance education / School at Home: The Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Styles

Welcome to the first post in the Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Styles series! Click here to view the rest of the series Distance education and school at home are what most people picture when they think of homeschooling. Parent as teacher, kids sitting around the...

A homeschooling day in the life with a catnapping baby

Bekah is an Australian mum of three children aged 8, 6, and 5 months, whom she eclectically homeschools. Here she shares how homeschooling gets done as well as possible around a grouchy baby.

The Continuum of Homeschooling Styles

  This post is part of the Ultimate Guide to Homeschooling Styles series - view the entire series here     So many homeschooling styles - how do you decide which one to use? How do you even COMPARE them when they're all so different?!   One way is...